Omar Gaindefall / オマール・ゲンデファル
セネガルに数世代に渡る音楽一家の家系生まれの伝承音楽家(グリオ)。アフリカ打楽器(ジェンベ、サバール、トーキングドラム)奏者、ボーカリスト。自身のバンド「Afro Begue」での活動を中心に、様々なアーティストとの共演、全国各地でワークショップを行う。
Born in Senegal, Omar is an all-round musician who is not only capable at mastering percussion instruments like the sabar, djembe and talking drum, but is also re-known for his singing and dancing skills. In addition to Afro Begue, he splits his time between performing with various artists in Japan and Senegal and holding workshops for the djembe, sabar and tama.